To Live Letter

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December 20,2017


Dear Yu Hua,

I greatly appreciate how much effort you put into making this book and showing the honest and real side of your story. I ‘m the type of person that prefers the truth over a lie. At first I wasn’t much interested in reading the book because I thought it wouldn’t meet my expectations. Throughout reading I began to notice how much emotion you brought out in each section of the . I love the way you brought out all the wrong Fugui did throughout the book and explained how he fixed each one of the situations. My favorite part of the book was the relationship Fugui and Jiazhen had towards the end of the book. When Jiazhen came back home after giving birth to Youqing Fugui realized how much love he had for his wife and that he shouldn’t of treated her the way he did in the past. I believe this was one of many impactful situation because you showed that people can change if they make an effort to. Another situation that I found impactful was when Fugui gambled and ended up losing everything he and and his family had. Most people would just sit around and not do anything about it but he tried his hardest to find a place for his family to stay and survive. He may have not seemed very humble at the beginning of the book because he would show off everything he has but throughout he begins to appreciate everything they have. Although with the government I don’t personally like how its a Communist and feel like young  people are trying to work hard for something even bigger than they already have but the government is pushing them a step back. I do strongly believe they should be rewarded for what they do and not have to be the same like everyone else.

I really did enjoy your book and look forward to reading more of the ones you have out. Thank you.



One thought on “To Live Letter

  1. I know Yu Hua would enjoy reading your response to the novel–I think he would be extremely interested in the struggles young people in the US face today. Given your previous post about Mexico, I would think you might write about the immigration crisis.

    Ana, be sure to use to eliminate grammatical and punctuation errors!

    Content – partially proficient
    Organization/focus – proficient
    Grammar/Mechanics – partially proficient.

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