At the age of twenty my mother decided to come to the United States after her aunt suggested she come and visit, but, my mother had different plans she wanted to move up there to not only better her future but to help out her family in Mexico. In a short amount of time she found a coyote, someone that would help her and her cousin cross the border. Their journey started in Zacatecas, Mexico and they traveled to Pierdas Negras from there they continued until they got to the Rio Bravo that would lead them into Texas. She and three others had to cross by only using very large , black, circular floats. She stated that you really needed to know how to swim well to get passed because there would be rushes of water that could interact with the path you are following. After my mother and her cousin stepped foot in Texas their uncle was able to pick them up. Her and her cousin had to hide in the truck where they were unable to see where they were headed to. She described it as being the longest drive she’s been in. She arrived in Colorado in 1998 on the Fourth of July at 3 p.m.(Would not like to have a poster made)