My Interview


         This week we as a class had to interview Somali refugees in our school. I was assigned to interview a sophomore named Abdrahman Yusuf. We welcomed all of them with smiles and handshakes followed by laughter.

         My classmate Jorge and I started of with small basic questions such as, “What’s your name? Where were you born?” just to ease the tension. He was born in Somalia and was raised in a camp named “Utopia Camp” located in Kenya, a camp for refugees. He was raised there most of his life and moved to the United States in 2015. Within his first two years of living in America, he has come to love it. We asked him how his first day was in America and he replied with a huge smile on his face saying that he knew he was in the right place for a better future.

         Just to listen to him speak and reply to our questions was phenomenal, because he had so many facial expressions. We asked him what he thought about the snow, and he said he was scared at first and didn’t want to touch it. He also mentioned the impact that the cold weather it had on his body. He said he almost felt pretty sick because he was not use to the climate change and the harsh winds with snow during the winter. But slowly got use to it and found out that a thick jacket can go a long way. To watch his reaction on his face when we asked him what he thought about the American females was just hilarious. He described them as having “big butts.”. He then went on and described how much more rights the Somali women have here in America than they do is Somalia. “Your American women are very fortunate to have born with rights.”

         I feel like we over look these refugees that come to America and try to better their education and lives. All they want is an equal chance at life, and by segregating them from friendship groups or American society we aren’t allowing them to do so. I know for a fact that I have made a new friend, and his name is Abdrahman Yusuf. 

4 Thoughts.

  1. I can tell a lot from this short interview, i can tell that abdirahman is a very comical and social person and that he loves the culture here.

  2. Yusuf from this interview seems like a really down to earth person and someone that would be easy to get along with. A somewhat questionable sense of humor that all teenage boys have, but that’s because he is a teenage boy and that’s something people lose a sense of and we need to get in touch with. That, yes, they are just like you and me and deserve the same opportunities.

  3. It sounds like you all connected with humor. I wondered what Yusuf thought about the name of the camp Utopia: an imaginary place in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect.
    Thanks for sharing the highlights of your interview.

  4. I agreee that we are not excepting the refugees into our own social life and if we did that I believe they would have an easier adaptation to school and everyday life.

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