The Alchemist

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          The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho set us up for a deep thinking and realization. The realization of one’s dream (destiny).

         This book has definitely without a doubt shown me what the mind and heart are truly capable of doing. Santiago had been just a shepherd boy and dreamed of this treasure located at the Egyptian Pyramids. He set off on his journey and encountered some major help along the way. The Gypsy lady, the King, the Merchant, the Englishman and the Alchemist. Each person played a role in helping him find his destiny. The gypsy lady told him to pursue his dream and he will find his treasure, but in return he must give her one-tenth of his treasure. The King was the one who had lived in his head throughout the story, reminding him to not give up and to be thankful for omens. The Merchant had played the role of giving the boy an option to stop and settle and only dream of his destiny, rather than getting up and going to his destiny. The Englishman was quite the help as well. He gave the boy more knowledge of the Alchemist and made him read and realize what the world’s language is. As for the Alchemist himself, he led him to his treasure and along the way he showed him what it means to listen to your heart.

          “When you possess great treasures within you, and try to tell others of them, seldom are you believed.” This quote signifies the meaning of knowing and believing in your destiny. When the Alchemist and boy encountered  two tribesman and was asked who they were and what they were doing, the Alchemist simply replied with the truth. The tribesmen laughed and sent them on their way, not believing them. This very thing saved Santiago’s life in the end when he was getting beat up by two men. As they were getting ready to kill him, he shouted his destiny. The two men looked at each other and figured the boy was lost and hopeless, but before they left, one of them laughed and said that he remembered his “dream” of being a shepherd and being wealthy. So they let him be and vanished. When they had left, the boy simply looked up at the pyramids and laughed along with them. Right then and there he knew where is treasure was. It was right by his side this whole time back home in a beat up barn.

         The concept of this book is to show others that even though you have a passion for something greater than your eyes can look upon, you must first appreciate and acknowledge everything you already have.

1 Thought.

  1. Powerfully composed, Dalyn. Your organization builds to the final realization made by both Santiago and the boy. Your own narrative skills and deeper understandings are evident in the post.
    Note: The last sentence of the introduction is a fragment. When you wish to express a thought that completes the sentence before, introduce it with a colon or a dash. Then it will be grammatically correct.
    Example: The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho set us up for a deep thinking and realization: the realization of one’s dream.

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