Immigration Interview

Immigration Interview


         My interviewee was a student by the name of Edgar Moreno. Edgar had no problem expressing his thoughts and feelings towards the questions we had for him. He was born and raised in Chihuahua Mexico and moved to the US in 2015, due to the cruel streets and lack of education.

         As for someone who came to the US with a struggle such as Edgar, my grandfather Noly Suarez had an easier route to the US.

         Edgar Moreno was born in Chihuahua Mexico in 2001 and was raised there until the age of 14 then moved to the US in 2015. When asked about the everyday life in Mexico, he just gave a sigh. He began to tell us how it was scary to walk the streets alone. Another reason for Edgar leaving Mexico and coming to the US, was to better his education. By making this decision, he would leave his parents still in Mexico. Of course he misses his family, but they are fully supporting him along his journey.

         As for my grandfather Noly, he was born and raised in the Philippines for most of his life and was driven out of his country because of the ridiculous government. My grandfather came to the US in 1973 and was put to work right away. It was easier for him to become a national rather than a citizen of the because the US was the protector of the Philippines during this time. He moved to San Diego California to start family because he was able to pick up work on an orange farm. He was never fully able to attend schooling for an education, everything he learned was on his own, especially English.

         The main differences between Edgar and my grandfather Noly, is quite different. Edgar was able to attend school right when he got to the US and Noly was not. My grandfather was able to come to the US a lot easier than Edgar because of the time and different scenarios. One thing they do share in common though, is them having to leave their families behind to better their future.

1 Thought.

  1. Interesting comparison. You mention both leaving their family’s behind and I wonder if you view Edgar’s experience as more difficult because of that or because of the hardships in Chihuahua.
    I’d also be interested in knowing the reasons Grandpa Noly returned to the Phillipines. I wonder if Edgar will return to Mexico in his advanced age.

    Well organized and fact-based.


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