The Practices of Yoga


One of the practices that Siddhartha did was yoga. He practiced and practiced for days. He grew up on meditating and yoga. He was taught to cleanse the soul and to leave your body to interact with yourself. The definition of yoga is “A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation.” Siddhartha took his meditation very seriously, just like other Hindu’s.

I myself tried yoga not to long ago. It kicked my butt, needless to say. I was very surprised by how much you must control your breathing. I found it to be very peaceful and painful at the same time. It just amazed me that not matter how strong you think you are, or how many muscles you have, it doesn’t mean that you can do yoga that easily. Practicing yoga on a regular basis will help you build those muscles that don’t show on the outside, but on the inside. It allows you to handle situations much more differently. I would recommend yoga to everybody.

Eastern practices are almost as similar as my own. They like to practice self meditation and control of the soul, and I like to practice on my form when playing football. We have both practiced for countless hours and the more we practice, the more efficient we become at it.

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